Sunday, March 31, 2013

I'm on bended knees

I do not know what to say with this letter. But will "I miss you" be enough to let you know how much I missed you over the long weekend? I decided and tried really hard to stop myself from texting you because I know that you don't like the idea of me bugging you and your great time with your family. I do understand all of it. I know how much you missed them and longing to spend some time with them, and I don't want to be selfish and bug you again. 

I may not be texting you but you are running in my mind 24/7, and I'm really going crazy. Because of my longing for you, I made this video. I hope that you would appreciate the works and the meaning among others. I just want you to know that you are the only guy I ever made a video for and I'm proud of it and never regretted it. I hope that together with my love letters, you would keep this with you, because this can be the first and the last time that I have made a video for a guy. 

But among other things, it is the content that I would want to pay attention to. It came from my heart. The five-minute duration of the video may not be enough to tell you how much sorry I am for all those times. It is only you who could tell how apologetic I am for hurting you unintentionally, but somehow I did. And I hated and cursed myself for doing that to you. It would only take five minutes of your time to let you know how I hated my ways of treating you before but it would take forever to hate myself for hurting you that much. There is nothing fancy in this video but a simple and straightforward slideshow of statements to tell you how much sorry I am and how much my heart beats for you until now. 

I will never stop and get tired of saying these things to you:

That I still love you so so much...

That I still care for you very much...

That I keep thinking about you, day and night...

That you are still my dream and my wish...

That you are still the guy I would want to spend my lifetime with...

I love you indefinitely Michael...

I certifiably so love you.

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